

发布日期:2018-07-18    点击:






1. 幼龄动物肠道健康与营养调控

2. 天然产物研究与开发

3. 动物行为和福利




1. 内蒙古自然科学基金项目肥大细胞介导岩藻多糖缓解断奶仔猪过敏性腹泻的机理研究(2021BS03041),2021.1-2023.12

2. 农业重大技术协同推广项目:绒山羊提质增效关键技术集成推广与创新应用项目,2022.1-2022.12



1. Xu YQ, Wang ZQ, Yan SM, Shi BL*. Protective effect of chitosan against growth inhibition and pancreatic oxidative stress in weaned piglets[J]. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2022, 50(1): 93-96.

2. Xu YQ, Wang ZQ, Qin Z, Yan SM, Shi BL*. Effects of chitosan addition on growth performance, diarrhoea, anti-oxidative function and serum immune parameters of weaned piglets[J]. South African Journal of Animal Science,2018, 48(1): 142-150.

3. Xu YQ#, Guo YW#, Shi BL*, Yan SM, Guo XY. Dietary arginine supplementation enhances the growth performance and immune status of broiler chickens[J]. Livestock Science, 2018, 209: 8-13.

4. Xu YQ#, Xing YY#, Wang ZQ, Yan SM, Shi BL*. Pre-protective effects of dietary chitosan supplementation against oxidative stress induced by diquat in weaned piglets[J]. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 2018, 23(4): 703-710.

5. Xu YQ, Wang ZQ, Wang YL, Yan SM, Shi BL. Effects of chitosan as growth promoter on diarrhea, nutrient apparent digestibility, fecal microbiota and immune response in weaned piglets[J]. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2018, 46(1): 1437-1442.

6. Li JL#, Xu YQ#, Shi BL*, Sun DS, Yan SM, Guo XY. Dietary chitosan affects metabolism of arachidonic acid in weaned piglets[J]. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 62(2):58-66.

7. Xu YQ, Shi BL*, Yan SM, Li JL, Li TY, Guo YW, Guo XY. Effects of chitosan supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and digestive enzyme activity in weaned pigs[J]. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 59(4):156-163.

8. Xu YQ, Shi BL*, Yan SM, Li TY, Guo YW, Li JL. Effects of chitosan on body weight gain, growth hormone and intestinal morphology in weaned pigs[J]. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2013, 26(10): 1484-1489.

9. Shi LL, Xu YQ, Jin X, Wang ZQ, Mao CY, Guo SW, Yan SM, Shi BL*. Influence of cold environments on growth, antioxidant status, immunity and expression of related genes in lambs[J]. Animals, 2022,12(19): 2535.

10. Shi LL, Xu YQ, Mao CY, Wang ZQ, Guo SW, Jin X, Yan SM, Shi BL*. Effects of heat stress on antioxidant status and immune function and expression of related genes in lambs[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2020: 2093-2104.

11. Xing YY, Xu YQ, Jin X, Shi LL, Guo SW, Yan SM, Shi BL. Optimization extraction and characterization of Artemisia ordosica polysaccharide and its beneficial effects on antioxidant function and gut microbiota in rats. RSC Advances, 10(44):26151-26164.

12. 蒯云逸 蒋和浩 红雷 徐元庆*. 岩藻多糖对大鼠肾脏氧化应激、炎症和细胞凋亡的缓解作用[J]. 动物营养学报 2022, 34(8): 5393-5403.

13. 徐元庆*, 王哲奇 张静 范依霖. 岩藻多糖的抗氧化功能研究进展[J]. 天然产物研究与开发 2020, 32: 1782-1793.

14.王哲奇#, 徐元庆#, 史彬林*, 毛晨羽 金晓 闫素梅.热应激状态下羊的体温调节[J].动物营养学报 2017, 29(7): 2211-2219.

15. 徐元庆 王哲奇 史彬林*, 岳远西 秦哲 闫素梅. 壳聚糖对断奶仔猪生长性能、粪便评分及血清激素和T淋巴细胞亚群的影响[J]. 动物营养学报 2017, 29(5): 1678-1686.


1. 副主编《天然提取物及功能性低聚糖在动物生产中的应用研究》,内蒙古大学出版社,2022

2. 参编《肉羊健康高效养殖环境手册》,中国农业出版社,2021

3. 参编《肉羊全程福利生产新技术》,中国农业出版社,2020


1. 实用新型专利 一种称羊架 ZL2022 2 0349313.8 2022

2. DB15/T 2519-2022 内蒙古地区生态型羊场设计与环境管理规范

3. DB15/T 2520-2022 内蒙古地区规模化驴场设计与环境管理规范


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