

发布日期:2022-12-05    点击:

贾阳,男,汉族,1988年2月出生于内蒙古包头市,博士。2011年获南京农业大学动物科学专业学士学位,2014年获美国肯塔基大学动物与食品科学专业硕士学位,2019年获美国肯塔基大学动物与食品科学专业博士学位,同年在肯塔基大学从事博士后研究。共发表学术论文(SCI)10篇(累计影响因子34.67),其中第一作者3篇(累计影响因子13.26)。2021年受邀担任Frontiers in Animal Science的审稿人,同年对NASEM《奶牛营养需要》(第八次修订版)英文版进行翻译。2021年来校任教,现任5060全讯白菜网讲师,主要从事动物营养与饲料方面的教学科研工作。







[1] Jia, Y, Harmon, D. L., Flythe, M. D., & Klotz, J. L. 2015. Interaction of isoflavones and endophyte-infected tall fescue seed extract on vasoactivity of bovine mesenteric vasculature. Frontiers in Nutrition 2:32. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2015.00032IF: 6.59 (2021)

[2] Yang Jia, Qing Li, W R Burris, Glenn E Aiken, Phillip J Bridges, James C Matthews, Forms of selenium in vitamin-mineral mixes differentially affect serum prolactin concentration and hepatic glutamine synthetase activity of steers grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue, Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue 2, February 2018, Pages 715–727. doi: 10.1093/jas/skx068 IF: 3.338(2021)

[3] Jia, Y, K. Son, W. R. Burris, P. J. Bridges, J. C. Matthews. 2019. Forms of selenium in vitamin-mineral mixes differentially affect serum alkaline phosphatase activity, and serum albumin and blood urea nitrogen concentrations, of steers grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 97, Issue 6, Pages 2569-2582. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz109IF: 3.338(2021)

[4] Carr S, Jia Y , Crites B , et al. Form of Supplemental Selenium in Vitamin-Mineral Premixes Differentially Affects Early Luteal and Gestational Concentrations of Progesterone, and Postpartum Concentrations of Prolactin in Beef Cows.[J]. Animals : an Open Access Journal from MDPI, 2020, 10(6). doi:10.3390/ani10060967 IF: 3.231 (2021)

[5] Wang, H, Jia, Y., Huang, W., Zheng, Y., & Li, H. 2014. Individual identification of Chinese Holstein Bull by 10 STR loci. Molecular Biology Reports, 41:1201-1206. doi:10.1007/s11033-013-2930-7 IF: 2.742 (2021)

[6] Huang, J, Y. Jia, Q. Li, W. R. Burris, P. J. Bridges, and J. C. Matthews. 2018. Hepatic glutamate transport and glutamine synthesis capacities are decreased in finished vs. growing beef steers, concomitant with increased GTRAP3-18 content. Amino Acids, 50: 113-125. doi: 10.1007/s00726-018-2540-8 IF:3.789 (2021)

[7] Huang, J, Y. Jia, Q. Li, K. Son, C. Hamilton, P. J. Bridges, and J. C. Matthews. 2018. Glutathione Content and Expression of Proteins Involved with Glutathione Metabolism Differs in Longissimus dorsi, Subcutaneous Adipose, and Liver Tissues of Finished vs. Growing Beef Steers. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue 12, Pages 5152-5165. doi: 10.1093/jas/sky362IF: 3.338(2021)

[8] Li, Q, Y. Jia, P. J. Bridges, J. C. Matthews. 2019. Forms of selenium in vitamin-mineral mixes differentially affect the expression of genes responsible for prolactin, ACTH, and α-MSH synthesis and mitochondrial dysfunction in pituitaries of steers grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 97, Issue 2, Pages 631-643. doi: 10.1093/jas/sky438IF: 3.159(2021)

[9] Miles, E. D., B. W. McBride, Y. Jia, S. F. Liao, J. A. Boling, P. J. Bridges, and J. C. Matthews. 2015. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and alanine transaminase expression are decreased in livers of aged vs. young beef cows and GS can be up-regulated by 17β-estradiol implants. Journal of Animal Science 93:4500-4509. doi: 10.2527/jas.2015-9294IF: 3.159(2021)

[10] Donglin Wu, Sha Du, Nannan Liu, Zongjun Li, Junhu Yao, Yang Jia, Jingwei Qi & Ming Xu (2022) No interactions among three methane inhibitors on in vitro methane production,Journal of Applied Animal Research,50:1,327-332,doi:10.1080/09712119.2022.2076684IF: 1.987(2022)


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